
 Tips for becoming positive

1. Always look at the bright side. Have a positive view of everything don't cloud your mind with negative thoughts.

2. Think about answers, not problems.

3. Listing to fun and upbeat music.

4.Go out for a walk to clear your mind and see the beautiful surroundings.

5. Each day get a quote that inspires you and live by it.

6. When you think of something negative find a positive outcome to it.

7. Treat yourself out once in a while.

8. Do a positive deeed for others to make you feel positive.

9. Do not be bitter over people that are happy, do the opposite and be happy for the person.

10. Smile more frequently.

Tips on Love

1. Leave your past in the past and do not look back.

2. Get up and go out to have fun.

3. Give new people a chance into your life.

4.  Do not rush in love you have all the time in the world.

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